イラストレーション > キャラクター
Commentフランスで行われる「Salon du livre 2012(www.salondulivreparis.com/)」コンテスト用に。年末仕事の合間をぬって大急ぎで描いていました。王道テーマ+いろんなジャンルの本で楽しげな感じに。TOP18に入れて頂いたので会期中に展示されるとのことです。
I submitted this to the Salon du live 2012 Illustration Contest. It will apparently be displayed during the exhibition. I painted this in a hurry as a had time between my end of the year plans…I gave it a royal theme, and tried to make it fun by including many different genres of books. I tried to include a few French things in particular like Little Red Riding Hood and the King of the Franks.
フランスで行われる「Salon du livre 2012(www.salondulivreparis.com/)」コンテスト用に。年末仕事の合間をぬって大急ぎで描いていました。王道テーマ+いろんなジャンルの本で楽しげな感じに。TOP18に入れて頂いたので会期中に展示されるとのことです。
I submitted this to the Salon du live 2012 Illustration Contest. It will apparently be displayed during the exhibition. I painted this in a hurry as a had time between my end of the year plans…I gave it a royal theme, and tried to make it fun by including many different genres of books. I tried to include a few French things in particular like Little Red Riding Hood and the King of the Franks.
published : 2015/12/24